Professional Resources

We would like the Perinatal Positivity film to be watched by all new parents and parents-to-be, so please do share it as much as you can. It’s free to watch, share or embed. You can include the films on your website, share on social media, in newsletters and emails, screen at antenatal groups, and use in staff training. We only ask that you don’t charge for showing or sharing the film.

You can also print out the Perinatal Positivity poster and postcard to hand out and display where you work. The back page of the postcard has a blank area where you can add local information and contacts. Here are the written instructions on how to edit and print the postcard. This can be inserted into antenatal notes.


How to use the film


  • Add the film link to your emails/texts to people attending perinatal health appointments
  • Download the film to a tablet/smart phone to show people during health visitor and midwife visits
  • Show the film(s) on TV screens in waiting rooms (there is a subtitled version of the film)
  • Embed them on your website and signpost people to your site during appointments
  • Show the film(s) as part of an ante-natal or postal group
  • Show the film(s) in staff meetings to raise awareness and share ideas on how best to support people
  • Use the film(s) as part of midwifery and health visitor student training
  • Add them to your maternity app

Our double-sided postcard is designed so that you can add information about local support to the back. There are instructions on how to edit and print the postcard. It works best when printed on A5 size card.

Perinatal Positivity poster

The Perinatal Positivity poster was designed by women with experience of perinatal mental health issues who took part in our Letterpress workshop to create a self-care manifesto. It’s designed to be printed at A3 size.

Ask about my mental health and put the focus on me and not my baby.